365 Photo Project
I got this idea from a friend of mine. She has a photo album on Facebook called 365. Each day she posts a photo that highlights her day and writes a journal entry below it. I thought it was a neat concept so I created a 365 album myself! :) It kind of gives me motivation to get up and do at least something interesting each day. When the year ends it will be really awesome to look back at everything we/I have done over that period of time. I encourage all of you to do the same. Here are some helpful tips to get you started. Click here!
My Little Picasso
Abagale came up to me with a piece of paper in her hand. I looked at it and was totally shocked! She had drawn faces that had eyes.. Noses.. Ears.. Mouths and some even had hats! They were clearly not a mistake either because she had drawn at least 10 of them. She's only two years old. I couldn't do anything like that when I was young.. Heck.. I still can't draw anything thats worth even glancing at. I took some pictures of the best ones so that I can save them. One day when she becomes famous I can tell her that I was the first person she ever made something for he he. I'm so proud of her!
Abagale's 1st Dentist Appointment
Although it was quite scary for Abby.. She was a big girl and went to the dentist. She played in the waiting room with a bunch of other children. They called her back.. Then cleaned her teeth and made sure she didn't have any cavities. She freaked out a little (To say the least) when they made her lay down in the chair. But she soon got over it after she seen that they had a goodie bag with her name on it. Her teeth are perfectly healthy and sparkly white! Since she did such a good job she got to go to breakfast/lunch and pick out a Zhu Zhu pet from the store. Her next appointment is in 6 months. Until then.. I'm going to keep doing my part by brushing them 3 times a day! I don't think she'll be as frightened next time around.